You have the ability to manage incoming calls when you are not available. In this section we discuss what you are able to do with these calls in the different scenarios.
You can find this section by following the below:
Configuration > Extensions > Click on desired Ext > Scroll down to "Additional Destinations - Active if checked"
As stated in the header, the options are only active, if they are checked.
Unconditional - This overwrites all settings under this section and should only be used on a temporary basis. Essentially all incoming calls will hit this destination.
On No Answer - You are able to decide where the call should be routed once the call has not been answered. i.e. to Voicemail, to a Ring Group etc.
On Extension Busy - The incoming call can be routed to another destination if you are already on the phone, or if your phone is set to DND (Do Not Disturb).
On Extension Offline - If the phone is off, or you have been logged out, the call will be redirected to a destination of your choosing. i.e. to Voicemail, to a Ring Group etc.
On Condition - Here, you are able to apply your own custom condition (once it has been created in the "conditions" section). This is mainly used if you operate certain hours and want calls to be routed elsewhere when you are not in the office. It is best applied for regular routing of calls.
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